This picture is one of my favorites taken by a gifted photographer during Corey's senior year photo shoot. In an attempt to capture a more traditional shot he began teasing and made comment there was a "stud" in the room, then asking Corey if he knew who it might be. Corey's response was, "Who me?" The result was his capturing the very essence of my son.
You may be wondering where the title of this post is drawn from. Today many of us, who’s lives have been touched by a person with intellectual challenges, are taking a stand against the over and misuse of the word retarded. The clinical definition of the word has followed my child since birth. There is nothing humorous about it nor is it ugly. Many times over the past twenty years I have climbed up on my soap box after hearing someone callously use the term and many times I have turned away, weary from the battle. On this day, I will once again take a stand. At our house the “short bus” is what is referred to by my son as the “comfy bus”. It carries him and his wonderfully diverse friends to and from school. The “Special Olympics” is not a quip term to describe ones lack of ability in a particular sport, but a competition which is held with reverence and honor. And the word retarded? We have expanded and more creative vocabularies which do not have room for tired misused words of the like.
Think before you speak folks. Words sometimes hurt.
You may be wondering where the title of this post is drawn from. Today many of us, who’s lives have been touched by a person with intellectual challenges, are taking a stand against the over and misuse of the word retarded. The clinical definition of the word has followed my child since birth. There is nothing humorous about it nor is it ugly. Many times over the past twenty years I have climbed up on my soap box after hearing someone callously use the term and many times I have turned away, weary from the battle. On this day, I will once again take a stand. At our house the “short bus” is what is referred to by my son as the “comfy bus”. It carries him and his wonderfully diverse friends to and from school. The “Special Olympics” is not a quip term to describe ones lack of ability in a particular sport, but a competition which is held with reverence and honor. And the word retarded? We have expanded and more creative vocabularies which do not have room for tired misused words of the like.
Think before you speak folks. Words sometimes hurt.